



For many years we have been familiar with the photo realistic architectural renders of proposed buildings. Back in the mid-1990 it took a super computer to be able to view these photo realistic 3d models as real-time fly throughs. Today, the same simulations can be run over the Internet or on your laptop.

Using real-time simulation known as Virtual Reality (VR), rich data sets can be shared and reviewed together, assets can be re-purposed, updated, monitored. As technology has evolved so has the workflow. Gone are the days of multiple imports and exports of data from one package to another. CAD data can now instantly be brought in to a virtual environment. We use the AutoDesk suite and Game Engine software to do this. This virtual environment can then be viewed, interacted with, updated in a wide variety of methods and viewed over the Internet, Head Mounted Displays (HMD), Desktops and immersive theatres. The same datasets can be used on all output formats so no need to re-engineer the virtual environment.

We can combine data that you provide or perform site surveys to generate the virtual environment and provide any hardware and software required.

Data used includes but is not limited to: 3d point cloud data, photographs, computer aided design (CAD) both 2d & 3d such as AutoCAD, REVIT, Sketchup, 3DSMax, Rhino, excel, BIM, SQL and GIS Terrain models.


  • Design
  • Review
  • Monitoring
  • Training
  • Site induction
  • Remote site visits
  • Project planning


  • Reduce time
  • Reduce cost
  • Improve safety
  • Measure results
  • Improve communication
  • Reusable assets
  • Empower & engage
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