



The Environment Agency – Sea Level Rise Online Interactives

As part of the Coastal Communities (CC) 2150 project, The Environment Agency commissioned the development of two 3D online interactives.

Working with the CC 2150 Coastal Futures Group and the Lewes Railway Land Wildlife Trust we created two modules.

  • 3D Online Interactive visualisation
  • Interactive Management Module

Whilst the content was created almost a decade ago, we continue to support The EA and partners with mobile immersive systems and content for Industry events, public engagement and school outreach.

3D Online Interactive


Introductory video.

The interactive shows the effect of long-term sea-level rise, as the result of climate change, and what this could mean for the Lower Ouse Valley.

The visualisation has four flight paths to follow, you can switch between paths, stop, pause or rewind at any time. Pan up, down, left, and right.

During the journey, you can experiment changing the sea level between 0 and 5m to see the effect on infrastructure, farming and housing.

Listen to the video to find out more or visit the Sea Level Rise interactive.

3D Online Interactive

Management Module

The simulation can be used to explore how different approaches to defending and developing the coastline affect the people that live and work there.

Sea Level can be set to 1m, 2.5m and 5m above present day.

Jump to various viewpoints around the village and harbour to explore the effect of the management option you choose.

Click on location titles to pop-up information panels with further details.  

Screen shot showing interactive computer generated sea defence options at a harbour

Mobile Screen

for Public Events

As well as supporting The EA at Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM) at the Royal Geographical Society, we have supported launch events, trade shows, public engagement and school outreach.


hosting and supoprt

The two modules were created in 2014 and whilst now a legacy site, it is still very much used today by a wide variety of interested parties.

The site contains the two modules, introductory video and the ability to download the content.

Screenshot of Sea Level Rise website showing two image of coastlines and interactive management modules
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